Tuesday, January 20, 2009


P.S. I don't know who reads my blog. Feel free to comment if you want; it's not a requirement. But here's the thing: I don't want to tiptoe around. Hopefully, friends of mine will read this blog. And hopefully, I won't ever truly damage our friendships with anything I say here. That said, I WON'T censor myself. If something is true and I want to tell it, I will write it here. Even if something is grossly exaggerated and has only the slightest grasp on reality, if I feel it in the moment, I may publish it. It's even possible I will share sensitive personal (though never anything strictly confidential) details about our interactions or conversations.

So, be offended if you must - argue, fight, yell, scream, throw things if you must, but TRY not to take it so personally.

We'll work it all out in the end.

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