Saturday, January 31, 2009

So this year...

I want to make some sort of headway in my career goals. (defining them might be a good start)

I want to run 1000 miles.

I want to save 5000 dollars.

I want to try one big thing each month that I haven't done/seen/eaten/etc before.

I want to extend myself.

Last Year's Resolutions

Don’t waste my days FAILED, MOSTLY
Relaxing is fine, wasting is not.
Get back to New Orleans FAILED
My favorite place in the world, so why am I not there more often?

And truly deserve it. No sleeping with the boss(es) to get this one…
Buy a computer FAILED
With editing software. Next, take over the world!
Fix my car up nice DOUBLE FAIL
Cause it needs it. Bad.
Save at least 3,500 dollars
Oh where, oh where have my life savings gone?

Try new sports (and play MORE racquetball)PARTLY SUCCEED
Gonna join a kickball league in March, dominate the racquetball court, and maybe take up basketball again.
Remember to take my vitamins
Exercise at least 3 times a week
I want to be able to run! . . . More than a block.
High fruit and vegetable intake
Because they’re good… and good for you!
Flat tummy, bigger butt, better wardrobe
Just a general summation of how I want to improve my looks in ’08.

Record my life more carefully
Books I read, movies I watch, random hilarious or thought provoking events. I love reading about it later.

Read 30 books (keep a list) SUCCESS UNKNOWN

Français? Oui, s’il vous plait.
Parce que je voudrais apprendre plus français.
Learn to use a DV camera
This is, in the immediate future, to help me get promoted. In the distant future? Camerawoman on Ice Road Truckers, or the like.
Explore creativity more (guitar, drawing, writing)

Keep in touch with friends, make new
Call my family more
My grandmothers are old. Every few weeks, my immediate family wonders whether I’m still alive.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


P.S. I don't know who reads my blog. Feel free to comment if you want; it's not a requirement. But here's the thing: I don't want to tiptoe around. Hopefully, friends of mine will read this blog. And hopefully, I won't ever truly damage our friendships with anything I say here. That said, I WON'T censor myself. If something is true and I want to tell it, I will write it here. Even if something is grossly exaggerated and has only the slightest grasp on reality, if I feel it in the moment, I may publish it. It's even possible I will share sensitive personal (though never anything strictly confidential) details about our interactions or conversations.

So, be offended if you must - argue, fight, yell, scream, throw things if you must, but TRY not to take it so personally.

We'll work it all out in the end.

Dusting It Off

So, we're going to dust off the old blog.

I'd like to start back on a positive note. I'd like to... but things are just sucking wildly right now. Pretty much everything that can be wrong is.

Don't misunderstand; I still have an ounce of perspective left. My family is healthy. I'm fairly healthy. I'm not broke and nothing cataclysmic has happened lately.

However, my job is crushing my soul, I hate my body/face, I'm being repeatedly rejected by the same guy (my fault for going back, I guess), I feel like I'm not my best friend's best friend, I have no personal discipline to speak of, and my roommate and I may be going our separate ways shortly.


So there you have it.

I'll try to get a resolutions post up before the end of the month (got to work on that self-discipline thing).