Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An Obstacle

My roommate was supposed to leave town on Wednesday morning. This was to mark the beginning of my transformation.

I'd planned to lock myself down and really get my shit together. While she's gone, I'm going to live something of the monastic life for those three weeks or so.

I'm going to be at the gym every day, start eating healthy again and just basically bring back the discipline that I've been sorely lacking lately.

However, a few obstacles have appeared here at the beginning of my journey:

1.) Krysta won't be leaving until Thursday morning.

2.) My parents will be in town Wednesday night.

3.) I am going dancing Thursday night till late.

4.) I have no groceries at all.

So, it looks like I may have to wait until Friday night or Saturday to start getting my shit together. But nothing will stop me after that.


Matt said...

...you learned well from me. Or rather, didn't learn at all...

MS said...

And just what the hell am I meant to have learned?