Tuesday, February 3, 2009

In Other News

Oh, and for those of you wondering, that 90 day challenge thing in the last post was just made up here and now. But yeah, I'm going to really watch my diet and exercise at least 4 days a week for the next 90 days. Suprise! Suprise to me! But I'm curious. I have piqued my own interest. I'll stick with it and see where it takes me.

As for the promised "other news," I've discovered Hulu.com. I can watch all kinds of TV for free. Typically, I could care less. I love TV, but there's only a few shows I'm really really interested in. And Hulu frequently pisses me off by not including all the episodes of a show/season, which really defeats the purpose that I was going to use it for: catching up on all the series I've been missing these last few years because I can't maintain an effing schedule. But, I have been able to watch Fringe (which I was interested in but gave up on and am rediscovering; still undecided) and Lie to Me which I can't watch on it's regularly scheduled night because, HELLO, it comes on at the same time as LOST. And I love LOST so much that I actually told my roommate and best friend to take her cell phone conversation into her bedroom or "shut it" during an the episode last week. Whoops. (I would do it again.)

So yeah. Hulu is nice. It's not perfect, but I'm taking advantage of it as best I can.

P.S. Watching Fringe at work = great way to pass the time on lunch break, great way to get fired the rest of the time. Must remember this cardinal rule!


Matt said...

There's a Fringe prequel comic that is about the early days of Walter and Bell.

Also, that series gets better when it figures out what it isn't (around episode 9 or so), though it still hasn't exactly figured out what it is.

Also, everything weird in the world is centered in Boston. FACT.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

You go, girl! You rock!! I love you. I'm there for you in Spirit, babe. Who am I? Someone you don't know and don't wanna know; you may not know me in this life, yet, in Heaven I wanna serve you where everyone knows everyone. These blogs (closenmyeyes, sexponential) are how I wish to spend my eternity: fulla love, warmth, and serving you baklava in bed... besides going to church on Sundays; I also hope you'd join me for a BIG-ol party-hardy celebrating our resurrection. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL